Thought Exchange

ThoughtExchange is the world’s most trusted engagement and survey platform for leaders who drive change and alignment. Using our sophisticated analytics and secure OpenAI integration, get broader participation, deeper insights, and actionable ideas in far less time.

As education leaders, you know the value of community input—and ThoughtExchange gets you from insights to action faster. Consult more people in an inclusive, anti-biased environment. Drastically cut back on the time and resources you spend on town halls and meetings, and reach your district’s goals more efficiently and effectively.

An award-winning platform for district decision-making

With so much riding on community support for district projects and funding, education leaders need a platform that will get them more participation and more nuanced data. ThoughtExchange lets you get input from hundreds or thousands of people to help you:

  • Get more people on board with bonds and levies

  • Save weeks on your LCAP surveys and data-crunching

  • Make budget decisions the community supports

  • Find common ground on divisive issues


Yasmine Mehtadi
Account Executive

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